You will be Purchasing Various Hair Oils from Market. Do You Know that You can Prepare in your home yourselves. You will not believe , But what if we told you that instead of spending bucket loads of money on expensive hair products and hair oils, a cheaper option is available and that too within the comfort and confines of your home?
Yes, we are talking about home-made hair oils. These beauties are not only cheap but also comparatively more effective than commercially available substitutes. It is so because they are personalised according to your needs and requirements. Also, these are pure and chemically mild, so they end up treating your hair gently.
Here is a look at various type of oils that can be easily made within the confines of our homes.
Neem leaf oil
In Ayurveda, neem has traditionally been used for its medicinal properties. It is used to treat various ailments as it is widely known for its anti-bacterial properties. This property not only helps treat wounds but is also effective when dealing with problems of the hair. Neem hair oil has a lot a benefits and here is how you can make it at home.
- Grind a bunch of neem leaves into a thick paste.
- Heat the paste in a saucepan using half a cup of coconut oil as a base.
- Add 3 tablespoon of fenugreek seeds to it and keep heating it on a low flame for about 5 minutes
- After that, let the oil cool for a while and strain the contents to separate the oil from the residue.
- Discard the residue and store the oil in a container.
- This is now ready for application.
- If you have a scalp that is in serious need of damage repair, then neem oil is what you are looking for.
- Neem has healing properties that will work to remove itchiness and dryness from the scalp.
- Neem will also treat any microbial infection in the scalp.
Coconut hair oil
Coconut oil is renowned in the hair oil world. Many women swear by this oil and seem to find visible changes in their hair after application. Let’s look at how it can be easily prepared at home.
- Get mature brown coconuts at home and splice out the flesh from inside them.
- Once taken out, grate the coconut meat or cut them into small pieces and using a food processor, shred them. Add a little water if necessary so as to make the blending easy.
- Put the shredded coconut onto a muslin cloth and squeeze the mixture in the cloth so that the coconut milk can easily be extracted.
- Pour the milk which is extracted into a jar.
- Repeat the process till the time the entire coconut milk is extracted.
- Leave the milk that is collected unattended for at least a day. As it sets, the coconut milk and oil will separate.
- Spoon out the curd, which will be the top layer, to leave the bottom layer of coconut oil ready to use.
The specialty of the oil is that due to its low molecular weight, it easily penetrates inside the hair shaft and provides deep nourishment
- The oil helps in encouraging good growth of hair and it slows down the rate of hair fall by making the hair stronger and healthier.
- Coconut oil helps in moisturising the hair as well as the scalp and removes conditions like dry scalp and itchiness. It keeps the hair bouncy and shiny.
- It improves the general texture of hair and reduces the damages like split ends and white spots.
Amala oil
The secret behind black, shiny, beautiful hair was often said to be amala. Many Indian women would swear by the fruit’s ability to work wonders for their hair. Amala is a storehouse of vitamin C and has collagen-boosting properties that encourage growth of hair. Not only that, the oil also makes the hair follicle healthy. And if the hair follicle is healthy, we can be rest assured that the hair will automatically be healthy.
- For this you have to procure amala powder, which can be easily be bought from your nearest store, but if you want it to be 100 per cent natural, then even the powder can be made at home.
- For that, dice the amala into small pieces and dry them out in the sun.
- Using a grinder, grind these pieces till they turn into a powder. Make sure that the grinder is mechanically of a superior quality as the pieces will be hard, and a flimsy machine will easily break if care is not taken.
- Heat the powder in a pan using coconut oil as base.
- Slowly, the oil will turn brown.
- Remove the contents from the pan and allow it to cool.
- Once cooled, strain the oil to remove any traces of residue and then fill the clear oil in the jar. This is now ready to be applied.
- Amala oil helps promote new and fresh growth of hair.
- It promotes premature greying of hair
- Vitamin C in amala also stops hair from falling and regular applications might even reduce the malady of hair fall altogether.
Hibiscus hair oil
Hibiscus are flowers that not only look good themselves, but they also ensure that they make you look brilliant too. They make excellent treatment for your hair and the oil can easily be made at home.
- Again, taking coconut oil as base, heat the oil in a pan.
- After heating it for about 5 minutes, add about 10-15 hibiscus flowers to it.
- Stir the flowers and the oil together till the colour of the oil changes to the colour of the flower, either dark red or orangish-yellow.
- Let the oil cool and add another 5 to 6 flowers in it, and let it rest overnight.
- In the morning, strain the contents into a jar.
- The residue left in the strainer is to be discarded while the remaining oil is now ready for application.
- It is very good for hair loss, as it prevents unnecessary breakage of hair.
- It makes the hair thick and strong.
- It treats itchiness and dry scalp.
- It takes care of frizz and makes the hair smooth and shiny.
- It conditions the hair thoroughly and keeps the hair hydrated.
Onion oil
Yes, we believe a lot of eyebrows will get raised listening to the fact how onions can be used as a therapy for our hair. But it is true. Agreed, onions do make you cry, but they make up for it by putting a wide smile on your face by making your hair look gorgeous.
- Take 500ml of coconut oil and heat it in a saucepan.
- Just before it comes to a boil, add the onions in it. Chop the onions into pieces that need not necessarily be too fine.
- After heating the two for 5 minutes, add curry leaves to it.
- Let the mixture cool down after a while and then strain the oil, which is fit to be used.
- It promotes hair growth, and contributes in increasing the volume of hair and optimise the hair during the growth cycle.
- Our hair is made up of keratin, which is largely made up of sulphur. That is why onions, which has a lot of sulphur, is great for regeneration of hair follicle.
- It makes the hair thicker and stronger
- Very much like neem, it also has anti-bacterial properties that keep the scalp healthy and free from infection.
Garlic hair oil
Garlic cloves might look small, but just as they are essential to lend taste to the food that you eat, they are also incredibly useful for your lovely hair locks.
- Crush the garlic (2 to 3) and make it into a paste.
- Heat this paste in a saucepan and add the carrier oil, mostly coconut oil.
- Keep heating till the oil turns brown.
- Then take the contents off the flame and allow it to cool.
- Strain the contents in a jar and throw the pulp away.
- What is left is the garlic oil.
Benefits :
- Garlic has calcium, sulphur and zinc, all of which are essential ingredients for hair growth.
- It has properties that help kill any microbes that inhibit hair growth, thus contributing to hair growth and voluminous hair.
- It acts as a good nourishing agent for the scalp because it has a lot of selenium content, which is great for blood stimulation.
- It promotes the production of collagen, as it has a lot of vitamin C content.
- It helps make the hair follicles strong and healthy.
Rosemary and mint oil
Rosemary and mint are herbs that add spice and taste to your regular food, but they can add spice to your look as well by making your hair look luscious and drool-worthy.
- In a jar, put the rosemary herbs and mint leaves.
- Fill this jar with the carrier oil, which again is coconut oil.
- Seal the jar and put it in some warm place.
- Keep shaking the jar every now and then, so that the essential oils from the herbs can easily be infused in the carrier oil.
- Let the herbs remain in such a way till about two weeks.
- If you believe in instant gratification and lack the patience of waiting for two whole weeks, put the jar in a container filled with warm water and keep this for at least 5 hours.
- After either of the two procedures is done, strain the oil from the herbs and what is left is the carrier oil with the essential oils of the herbs amalgamated in it. This oil is now ready for use.
Rosemary has excessive amounts of anti-oxidants that is good for the health of the skin and scalp.
- Rosemary has antibacterial properties too, that cleanses the hair follicle and encourages fresh growth of hair.
- Mint, on the other hand, helps maintain the pH of the scalp. This controls excessive oil production.
- Mint boosts circulation and hence is good for the health of hair follicles.
Lemon oil
Lemon works wonders on your skin and hair, and the best way to use it is to extract essential oils from it.
- Grate the outer layer of lemons to get the lemon zest. Six or seven lemons are ideal, depending on your need.
- Put the zest in a jar and pour olive oil in it. Let the oil be almost a half cup.
- Then put the jar in a sunny, warm spot. Make sure that the jar is completely sealed.
- Let it rest for a few days and keep shaking it many times every day so that the essential oils can easily be extracted and infused in the carrier oil.
- After that, strain the contents into a fresh jar so that the zest is strained out and the oil is left for application.
- Lemons are an excellent source of vitamin C. This vitamin helps boost collagen, which is responsible for the growth of hair. Hence the oil encourages faster growth of hair.
- The acidic nature of the hair oil tightens the hair follicle and that makes the hair stronger and reduces hair fall.
- Lemon has anti-fungal properties that again ensure that our scalp remains healthy.
- This is also essential for those who have a problem with an oily scalp as it reduces the oil in the scalp.
- It also helps in the regrowth of dormant hair follicles as well.
These are some of the easy-to-make hair oils that will work magic for your hair. Give them a try and watch how your dull, dry or damaged hair transforms into luscious, shiny and beautiful locks.
Best Wishes for Healthy and Silky and Shiny Hairs.
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