Causes and Remedies of Back Pain in the first 3 months of pregnancy - GSTARHEALTH


Sunday, April 19, 2020

Causes and Remedies of Back Pain in the first 3 months of pregnancy

In the article below we will share with you some tips as how to treat back pain effectively!

Causes  and Remedies of Back Pain in the first 3 months of pregnancy

Pregnant women gain weight

During the first 3 months of pregnancy, most women will gain weight slightly. However, it is this weight gain that increases the pressure on the spine and causes pain in the lower backThe weight of the growing baby in the uterus also puts pressure on the blood vessels and nerves in the pelvis.

I sit, go, stand the wrong posture
Pregnancy means changing your body shape and weight, so many mothers choose to change their sitting, standing and walking positions. Many mothers prefer to sit, fixed the heel on the floor, with their hands behind the back to keep weight. In fact, this type of sitting will cause the lower back to be placed in a state of tension and pain. Sit up for a long time, stand up to sit down incorrectly will also lead to back pain.

Hormonal changes during pregnancy
In pregnancy, the body produces some hormones that relax the ligaments and joints in the pelvic area to prepare for the baby's later development, which can sometimes cause severe pain in the back. .

Due to stress, stress

Emotional stress during pregnancy in the first trimester can cause back pain, which can cause back pain.

When does back pain become dangerous?

  • Continuous pain without any pain relief
  • Back pain causes pregnant women to fear, sweating.
  • Back pain with haemorrhage .
Pregnant women need to immediately go to the obstetric facility for examination and treatment. Absolutely not at home, do not take painkillers that affect the health and life of both mother and baby.

How to prevent back pain during pregnancy in the first 3 months

Some tips to reduce back pain during pregnancy that pregnant women can refer and apply:
 1. Gently massage your back area after a long working day.
 2. Do not use pain relievers or anti-fatigue medications without the doctor's instructions.
 3. Regularly practice light, suitable exercises such as walking, aerobics, yoga, swimming ... to help your body to be healthy, strong bones and joint exercises. It also helps mothers during childbirth to be easier.
 4. Do not eat too much in one meal, divided into several small meals, supplementary nutrients for both mother and baby. The body weight should increase evenly each month, in sudden increase, increase too many sisters should see the doctor immediately to be checked.
5. When standing to keep your back straight to avoid back pain, sit sit straight back seat.
 6. During the period of pregnancy, you should replace the high heels with low, low shoes, walking comfortably. The higher the shoes will make the body more forward so the back pain will also increase, not only that it also endangers the mother if stumble accidentally.
 Be careful when lifting something heavy or light: For light objects, squat, two-legged, arms and legs to lift objects. Avoid straight back, bending down because this action will make the pain increase. Heavy objects ask for help.
8. Posture during pregnancy : When sleeping, pregnant should sleep sleeping to the right or left, changing the position to the most comfortable, however, should not sleep in the back. Put a pillow between your knees and a pillow under the waist, the waist will help you feel better, sleep better.
 9. Warm or cold compresses in the back, warm bath also helps reduce the back pain that you should effectively apply.
10. In the event of severe back pain, dizziness persists, back pain spreads to the spinal column, around the buttocks, thighs, legs ... you should see a doctor immediately to be checked. 


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