Anger is a natural emotion. Mild forms of anger include displeasure, irritation or dislike. Anger can come as a reaction to criticism, threat, or frustration. This is usually a healthy response. Anger may be a secondary response to feeling sad, lonely or frightened.
Anger is a natural emotion. Mild forms of anger include displeasure, irritation or dislike. Anger can come as a reaction to criticism, threat, or frustration. This is usually a healthy response. Anger may be a secondary response to feeling sad, lonely or frightened.
There are many common triggers for anger, such as losing your patience, feeling as if your opinion or efforts aren't appreciated, and injustice. Other causes of anger include memories of traumatic or enraging events and worrying about personal problems.
Anger can also be a substitute emotion. By this we mean that sometimes people make themselves angry so that they don't have to feel pain. People change their feelings of pain into anger because it feels better to be angry than it does to be in pain. ... When you are angry, you are angry with cause.
Psychology of Anger. Anger is a natural and mostly automatic response to pain of one form or another (physical or emotional). Anger can occur when people don't feel well,feel rejected, feel threatened, or experience some loss.
Anger is often called a secondary emotion because we tend to resort to anger in order to protect ourselves from or cover up other vulnerable feelings. A primary feeling is what is what is felt immediately before we feel anger. We almost always feel something else first before we get angry.
Although everyone experiences anger in response to frustrating or abusive situations, most anger is generally short-lived. No one is born with a chronic anger problem. Rather, chronic anger and aggressive response styles are learned. There are multiple ways that people learn an aggressive angry expression style
This is not to say that every child who is aggressive/violent learned it from watching the behavior of his or her parents, or from television. ... However, on average, if parents are aggressive they are more likely to have aggressive children if they show that aggression to their children.
Anger management
Anger management involves skills of recognizing the signs of anger, and taking action to deal with the situation in a positive way. It does not mean holding the anger in or avoiding angry feelings. Anger is a normal, healthy emotion when expressed appropriately.
Anger management teaches people how to recognize frustrations at an early stage, and to settle them in a way that allows the person to express their needs, while remaining calm and in control.
Coping with anger is an acquired skill.
Anger management helps a person to identify what triggers their emotions, and how to respond for a positive outcome.
A person whose anger is having negative consequences on a relationship, or is leading to violent or dangerous behavior may be advised to see a mental health counselor, or to take an anger management class.
Signs that a person needs help include:
Being in trouble with the law
Frequently feeling that they have to hold in their anger
Having numerous arguments with people around you, especially family or colleagues
Getting involved in fights
Hitting a spouse or child
Threatening violence to people or property
Breaking things during an outburst
Losing their temper when driving, and becoming reckless
[Anger Management Therapy]
Anger management therapy can help to identify triggers and solutions.
Anger management therapy may be in group sessions, or one-on-one with a counselor or psychotherapist.
If the person is diagnosed with a mental health condition, such as depression, anger management should take this into account.
In anger management training, a person learns to:
Identify what makes them angry
Respond in a non-aggressive way to anger triggers, before getting angry
Handle the triggers
Identify moments when thought processes are not leading to logical and rational conclusions, and to correct their thinking
Return to a state of calm and peace when anger surges
Express feelings and needs assertively in situations that normally lead to anger and frustration, without becoming aggressive
Redirect energy and resources into problem solving rather than anger.
First, the person needs to learn to fully recognize their anger. The following questions may help:
How do I know when I am angry?
What type of people, situations, events, places, triggers make me angry?
How do I respond when I am angry? What do I do?
What impact does my angry reaction have on other people?
It can help to understand that anger and calmness are not clear-cut emotions. Anger can range from mild irritation to full rage. Knowing this can help people to understand when they are really angry and when they are just irritated.
Emotional symptoms that may develop as a person moves from irritation to rage include:
A desire to escape from the situation
Sadness or depression
Desire to lash out verbally
Desire to lash out physically.
The following signs may also occur:
Rubbing the face with the hand
Fidgeting, or clasping one hand with the other
Pacing around
Becoming cynical or sarcastic
Losing the sense of humor
Becoming rude and abusive
Crave substances that the persons thinks will relax them, such as alcohol, tobacco, or drugs
Speaking louder
Screaming or crying.
Physical symptoms that can occur include:
[Reclusive/anxious woman]
If not treated, anger problems can lead to further psychological problems such as anxiety and depression.
Grinding teeth
Clenching the jaw
Upset stomach
Elevated heart rate
Rapid, shallow breathing
Hot flashes in the face or neck
Trembling hands, lips or jaw
Tingling at the back of the neck.
If a person can recognize whether they are irritated, angry or furious, they can use anger management techniques to control the situation.
Anger plans
The next step is to devise an anger plan, which may include:
Taking time out, to have space to reflect and calm down
Changing the subject, if a particular conversation includes an anger trigger
Using relaxation techniques
Delaying a response, for example, by counting to ten.
This slows down the process, and allows time to recover a logical thinking pattern.
Keep an Anger diary Records
Recording the feelings during an episode, and what happened before, during, and after may help a person to anticipate anger triggers, and to cope when episodes occur.
Understanding what happened, what worked and what did not work can help to achieve a more effective anger management plan.
It is important not to repress the anger, but to express it when the person has calmed down, in an assertive, non-aggressive way.
It is helpful to change such thoughts as "Everything's ruined" to, for example, "This is frustrating, but it is not the end of the world."
Words like "always" or "never" can make an angry person think there is no solution, and they can humiliate and alienate other people.
Regular exercise can regulate levels of adrenaline and cortisol levels, as well as increasing levels of endorphins, the natural feel-good hormones. You will also sleep better; a crucial factor for good mental health.
If a person is bothered by something, planning what to say beforehand can help prevent the conversation from getting sidetracked.
Focusing on the solution, not just the problem is more likely to resolve the issue.
Letting go of the resentment helps, because bearing a grudge fuels the anger and makes it harder to control. Other people are the way they are, and accepting this can help.
It is better to avoid harsh, sarcastic humor, but good humor can help to dissolve anger and resentment.
Timing is important. If evening discussions tend to turn into rows, possibly due to tiredness, change the times when you talk about important matters.
Anger can increase breathing and heart rates and tense up the muscles, but this can be reversed this by deliberately slowing the breathing and systematically relaxing and loosening the muscles.
Getting at least 7 hours of good quality sleep every night contributes to good mental and physical health. Sleep deprivation has been linked to a number of health problems, including anger.
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